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BC Coast Pilots use the latest innovations when it comes to ship movement.

Electronic navigation is an important tool that complements paper charts and our local knowledge. We travel the world, connecting with other pilots to share information and ideas about how to keep pilotage on the leading edge as technology advances. Matching a pilot’s experience with the real-time information we can access from our portable navigation units and other tools helps us decrease risk, keep ships on schedule and prevent costly incidents. Some examples include:

Portable Pilot Units (PPUs)

We consulted on the mitigation plan for heavier tankers in the Second Narrows. The discussions led to the development of a new navigation technology, independent of the ships’ existing equipment, called the Portable Pilot Units (PPUs). The units, created in collaboration with the Pacific Pilotage Authority, are tailored for the unique pilotage conditions on the BC coast. They are now required to be carried by every pilot who works in the Second Narrows transits and are used coast-wide in the province.

PPUs’ software is constantly being updated for tide and weather patterns, hazards such as rocks, marine traffic trends and other factors to help pilots navigate more safely, efficiently and accurately.

Innovations in the use of Tug Escort Technology

Since 2010, we have been working with industry to innovate new ways to deploy tugs. While tug escorts have been a requirement for many years, the BC Coast Pilots are constantly reviewing new tug technology and design to integrate into their work. For example, by changing the traditional ways in which tugs are used configured, it increases the safety and efficiency of escorting the ships into certain berths. The pilots work with local tug companies to continually evolve the way tug technology and designs are used to maximize the use of the waterway.

Pilots & Tug Boat Operators: Working Together

Pilots and tug boat operators work together closely to keep our waters safe.  Find out more from this video. 
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