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New recommendations for Active Pass and Porlier Pass

Every time a BC Coast Pilot boards a vessel, they utilize a lifetime of knowledge to make important decisions that keep navigation and our coastlines safe. A Pilot’s judgement includes consideration of vessel performance, regulatory requirements, and local conditions which when combined with experience shapes how to best guide a vessel through BC’s waterways.
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Throwback Photos of BC Coast Pilots at work

Our Pilots use vast knowledge of local waters to protect B.C.’s ecologically-sensitive marine habitat by guiding ships safely in and out of ports and waterways. Here are some throwback shots all taken on our beautiful coast.
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Feature Pilot: Captain Peter Vivian

B.C. Coast Pilots continue to work 24/7 during the Covid-19 pandemic keeping 15,000 miles of the province's coastline safe while maintaining the global supply chain moving. We want to highlight the work done by these devoted Pilots and shine a light on the people behind the safe movement of ships on our coast.
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Tips for Safe Boating

It’s almost springtime and most probably the water temperatures will start to rise making it favorable for water sports.
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