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Reberthing a ship at Cascadia
Over the last 5 years I have been with the BC Coast Pilots, I have had challenging assignments, but on a particular January evening I had one of my most, on an assignment to berth a ship at Cascadia.
What’s in a pilot’s technology tool kit?
What happens when you can’t see in the dark or through the fog? What do you do as the person responsible to navigate the vessel, its crew and product to safe shores?
A conversation with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on safety and shipping
The BC Coast Pilots (BCCP) were recently contacted by the Prime Minister’s Office asking if we’d be available to meet in person share our thoughts about the safety of shipping on the west coast.
BC Coast Pilots advocate for the prioritization of safety and marine environment in the Pilotage Act Review
During the year-long consultations to review the Pilotage Act, the BC Coast Pilots (BCCP) travelled across the country to meet with government officials, industry stakeholders, and other pilotage authorities to discuss the amendments to the Pilotage Act.
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