Hi, I'm Becky.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse gravida tortor eget enim posuere varius. Integer a odio molestie, lacinia sem a, dignissim dui. Vivamus non aliquam risus. Curabitur vitae dui et lacus tincidunt placerat at non ex. Donec sit amet facilisis eros, a tempor urna. Nam viverra consequat lorem, vitae sagittis sem dictum nec. Sed pellentesque sapien venenatis maximus efficitur. Maecenas enim nisl, scelerisque a ante eu, aliquet pretium lorem. Donec gravida ultrices consectetur. 

New recommendations for Active Pass and Porlier Pass

Every time a BC Coast Pilot boards a vessel, they utilize a lifetime of knowledge to make important decisions that keep navigation and our coastlines safe. A Pilot’s judgement includes consideration of vessel performance, regulatory requirements, and local conditions which when combined with experience shapes how to best guide a vessel through BC’s waterways.

Throwback Photos of BC Coast Pilots at work

Our Pilots use vast knowledge of local waters to protect B.C.’s ecologically-sensitive marine habitat by guiding ships safely in and out of ports and waterways. Here are some throwback shots all taken on our beautiful coast.

Feature Pilot: Captain Peter Vivian

B.C. Coast Pilots continue to work 24/7 during the Covid-19 pandemic keeping 15,000 miles of the province's coastline safe while maintaining the global supply chain moving. We want to highlight the work done by these devoted Pilots and shine a light on the people behind the safe movement of ships on our coast.

Tips for Safe Boating

It’s almost springtime and most probably the water temperatures will start to rise making it favorable for water sports.

Feature Pilot: Captain David Willows

Meet Captain David Willows! He was born in Toronto but later his family moved to Victoria BC when he was a year and a half old.

Winter on the water

Winter in B.C. can be quite different than the rest of Canada depending on where you look, and that includes our coast!
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