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Interactive Digital Studio

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Quisque in mattis dolor. Etiam in viverra neque. Etiam ac erat nunc. Vestibulum in dui eu risus condimentum laoreet. Praesent accumsan dictum eros, nec imperdiet nibh venenatis sit amet. In scelerisque sed urna vel pellentesque. Nam nec diam ac est aliquam convallis. Pellentesque dapibus sapien pulvinar est vulputate lacinia. Mauris arcu neque, bibendum vitae efficitur imperdiet, dictum et magna. Curabitur sed ultricies odio.

Nulla lacinia aliquet ex in bibendum. Donec lacinia quam et lorem aliquam, eget posuere magna vestibulum. Integer molestie tempus nunc. Donec pretium turpis nisi, id porta nulla pharetra sit amet. Mauris aliquet, erat ut fermentum maximus, dui diam feugiat risus, vel aliquet.
  • Best Theme 2015 – Theme Forests Awards, 2015
  • Best CSS – Awwwards, 2014
  • Best App Builder – Sketch Resources, 2014
  • Best Design Agency – International Design Committee, 2013

New recommendations for Active Pass and Porlier Pass

Every time a BC Coast Pilot boards a vessel, they utilize a lifetime of knowledge to make important decisions that keep navigation and our coastlines safe. A Pilot’s judgement includes consideration of vessel performance, regulatory requirements, and local conditions which when combined with experience shapes how to best guide a vessel through BC’s waterways.

Throwback Photos of BC Coast Pilots at work

Our Pilots use vast knowledge of local waters to protect B.C.’s ecologically-sensitive marine habitat by guiding ships safely in and out of ports and waterways. Here are some throwback shots all taken on our beautiful coast.

Feature Pilot: Captain Peter Vivian

B.C. Coast Pilots continue to work 24/7 during the Covid-19 pandemic keeping 15,000 miles of the province's coastline safe while maintaining the global supply chain moving. We want to highlight the work done by these devoted Pilots and shine a light on the people behind the safe movement of ships on our coast.

Bateaux Studio

3653 Catherine Street
Lawndale CA 90260

+1 800 123 4567  